If you’re looking to hire what many consider the prototypical scientist, then Frank Sanns isn’t the obvious frontrunner. However, if you require a creative polymath who not only thinks outside the box, and, for that matter, has never acknowledged the box’s existence, then Frank Sanns would be your first choice for the position.
Founder of Sanns Science & Energy Specialists, a Pittsburgh, PA based organization, has one specific intent: to provide customized solutions to the commercial, technology and energy sectors. These solutions are based neither upon vapid rhetoric nor vague promises, but rather, upon quantifiable science.
Initially, Sanns earned his chemistry degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and then ascended the ranks of numerous international companies. These professional endeavors provided him the opportunity to interact with Fortune 500 companies.
While he enjoyed a traditional career as a corporate employee his zest for life reached far beyond the standard office space of a brick and mortar building. His knack for solving problems, while useful in the scientific industry for sure, permeates every aspect of his life. Whether its fixing a polymer vehicle in development stages or restoring a vacant building on tap for demolition, enter Sanns’ uncanny ability to foresee potential issues and respond with solutions before they even come into fruition. Call it clairvoyance, call it anticipation, it’s what keeps Sanns in search mode for the next project where he can lend his expertise.
“If it is worth doing, I am passionate about it. I like a challenge,” Sanns explains. This drive continues to fuel his gusto for life and keeps him busy whether it’s grabbing a camera and capturing the perfect shot or pulling out a guitar and figuring out how to keep the wood from bending—and, no surprise here—coming up with a patent for the technology to do it. This ability to pick up something and improve it, fix it, or solve it follows Sanns around and has gained him a reputable following in both his corporate and personal lives.

Polymer Development & Formulation Optimization
Our research and development with polymer chemistry and physics has led to numerous U.S. and international patents. Our polymer science is benefitting clients worldwide.
Alternative Energy Projects
We find alternative energy solutions including converting commercial and residential properties to solar and making green decisions that make sense.
New Process Development
We research and develop ways to manufacture products and monitor existing proceSS&ES and products for quality and efficiency. Whether determining how to best produce a product on a large scale with standardized protocols, or setting up and supervising initial and ongoing production, we will find better ways to make improvements in scientific methods and technology. Reviewing and interpreting analytical test results and data is one of our specialties.
New Product Development
SS&SE optimizes the performance of manufacturing systems by identifying and developing new proceSS&ES for manufacture, as well as implementing process controls to ensure that quality products are manufactured in a reproducible manner.
We'll work with your research scientists to develop new ideas and scientific discoveries which can be used in the manufacture of new products or the improvement of existing ones. Our goal: improving the efficiency and profitability of your manufactured product.